
On 5/7/08, Vladimir Nesov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> See http://www.overcomingbias.com/2008/01/newcombs-proble.html

This is a PERFECT talking point for the central point that I have been
trying to make. Belief in the Omega discussed early in that article is
essentially a religious belief in a greater power. Most Christians see
examples of the power of God at around a monthly rate. Whenever chance works
for apparent good or against perceived evil, there is clear evidence of God
doing his job.

Story: A Baptist minister neighbor had his alternator come loose just as he
was leaving for an important meeting, so I temporarily secured it with an
industrial zip tie, and told him to remove the zip tie and properly bold the
alternator back into place when he got back home. Three weeks later, his
alternator came loose again. He explained that he had done NOTHING wrong
this week, and so he just couldn't see why God took this occasion to smite
his alternator. I suggested that we examine it for clues. Sure enough, there
were the remnants of my zip tie which he had never replaced. He explained
that God seemed to be holding things together OK, so why bother fixing it.
Explaining the limitations of industrial zip ties seemed to be hopeless, so
I translated my engineering paradigm to his religious paradigm:

I explained that he had been testing God by seeing how long God would
continue to hold his alternator in place, and apparently God had grown tired
of playing this game. "Oh, I see what you mean" he said quite contritely,
and he immediately proceeded to properly bolt his alternator back down.
Clearly, God had yet again shown his presence to him.

Christianity (and other theologies) are no less logical than the one-boxer
in the page you cited. Indeed, the underlying thought process is essentially

> "It is precisely the notion that Nature does not care about our
> algorithm, which frees us up to pursue the winning Way - without
> attachment to any particular ritual of cognition, apart from our
> belief that it wins.  Every rule is up for grabs, except the rule of
> winning."

Now, consider that ~50% of our population believes that people who do not
believe in God are fundamentally untrustworthy. This tends to work greatly
to the disadvantage of atheists, thereby showing that God does indeed favor
his believers. After many postings on this subject, I still assert that ANY
rational AGI would be religious. Atheism is a radical concept and atheists
generally do not do well in our society. What sort of "rational" belief
(like atheism) would work AGAINST winning? In short, your Omega example has
apparently made my point - that religious belief IS arguably just as logical
(if not more so)than atheism. Do you agree?

Thank you.

Steve Richfield

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