----- Original Message ----
From: Mike Tintner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: agi@v2.listbox.com
Sent: Thursday, May 8, 2008 9:05:22 PM
Subject: Re: Symbol Grounding  [WAS Re: [agi] AGI-08 videos]

I just want to make the point that I think categorical "grounding" is necessary 
for AGI, but I believe that it could be done through symbol processing.  The 
reason is that old AI had some kind of learning facility.  If symbols were 
associated with generalized forms that represented possible arrangements of 
data, they could then be used to designate categorical analysis that was 
implicitly derived from the IO data environment as well.  So while I agree that 
categorical grounding is necessary, it is just that I also believe that could 
have been accomplished with AI programs that used symbol processing before 
Harnad's publication.  I just believe that they lacked another facility which I 
call conceptual integration.  My idea of conceptual integration includes 
blending but it is not limited to it.  (And the computers in that era were too 
Jim Bromer

Hi Jim,

It's simply I think - and I stand to be  corrected - that he has never pushed 
those levels v. hard at all. They  are definitely there in his writing, but not 
So the only enduring impression he has left,  IMO, is the idea of "symbol 
grounding" - which people have interpreted in  various ways.
As you can imagine, I personally would have  liked to see a lot more re those 
intermediate levels. And if he had pushed  them, someone would presumably have 
brought him up in conection with  Jeff Hawkins' work.

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