On May 26, 2008, at 8:41 AM, Mark Waser wrote:
C# may have advantages over Java, but
it doesn't mean that these advantages are particularly relevant for a
particular project.

Then make project-specific assertions. The fact that functional programming is an integral part of C# is huge for AGI. (Your turn to make a valid point :-)

Too bad C# is not an integral part of many developer environments or most developer experience. It is like selecting Objective-C.

Functional programming is a really lame hobby horse because it is well- supported in most of the plausible alternative environments (including C++), if not as a direct part of the language then as a trivial add- on. You are trading a minor nuisance for a showstopper.

In other words, this is a pretty crap justification for using .NET. Where is the fabulous .NET support and development environment for MacOS and Linux? Selecting C# really is like selecting Objective-C except going the opposite direction (since Objective-C is broadly supported in Unix-like environments, and even on Windows poorly), and Objective-C is actually a pretty nice language with a solid and growing developer pool. Hell, on the MacOS platform Objective-C even comes with a really deep and slick set of frameworks and libraries that allow you to implement many very advanced capabilities effortlessly.

Not that I am suggesting actually using Objective-C; it shares the exact same problems as C#, and I would use a similar criticism. There are people on this mailing list using C# and Objective-C for their projects, but they are closed shops and so the selection is more easily rationalized. For open source projects, ideal environments play second fiddle to broad language support. Painless portability is the reason C is often selected over C++ for open source projects -- universality is that important.


J. Andrew Rogers

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