On Sunday 25 May 2008 10:06:11 am, Mark Waser wrote:
> Read the appendix, p37ff. He's not making arguments -- he's explaining,
> with a
> few pointers into the literature, some parts of completely standard and
> accepted economics and game theory. It's all very basic stuff.

The problem with "accepted economics and game theory" is that in a proper
scientific sense, they actually prove very little and certainly far, FAR
less than people extrapolate them to mean (or worse yet, "prove").

Abusus non tollit usum.

Oh Josh, I just love it when you speak Latin to me! It makes you seem soooo smart . . . .

But, I don't understand your point. What argument against proper use do you believe that I'm making? Or, do you believe that Omohundro is making improper use of AEFGT?

All of the scientific experiments in game theory are very, VERY limited and
deal with entities with little memory in small, toy systems.  If you
extrapolate their results with no additional input and no emergent effects,
you can end up with arguments like Omohundro's BUT claiming that this
extrapolation *proves* anything is very poor science.  It's just
speculation/science fiction and there are any number of reasons to believe that Omohundro's theories are incorrect -- the largest one, of course, being
"If all goal-based systems end up evil, why isn't every *naturally*
intelligent entity evil?

Actually, modern (post-Axelrod) evolutionary game theory handles this pretty well, and shows the existence of what I call the moral ladder. BTW, I've had
extended discussions with Steve O. about it, and consider his ultimate
position to be over-pessimistic -- but his basic starting point (and the econ
theory he references) is sound.

Could you please give some references (or, at least, pointers to pointers) that show the existence of the moral ladder? I'd appreciate it and could use them for something else. Thanks!

Also, I'm *clearly* not arguing his basic starting point or the econ references. I'm arguing his extrapolations. Particularly the fact that his ultimate point that he claims applies to all goal-based systems clearly does not apply to human beings.

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