On Thu, May 29, 2008 at 6:41 PM, John G. Rose <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> How can the two terms be equivalent? Some may think that they are
> inseparable, or that one cannot exist without the other, I can understand
> that perspective. But there is a quantitative relationship between the two.
> When you get into strict definitions people get alienated...

For me, working meaning of consciousness is reflection, or a process
of memory-formation about the processes going in the mind, which is
the same thing as learning, since any kind of external information
must first set in motion a process in the mind in order to be
perceived. By intelligence, to separate it from knowledge, I
understand the efficiency of learning. Thus, it can be said that in my
definitions intelligence is a property of consciousness, but it's
really unnecessarily confusing to use these way overloaded terms, and
it's almost meaningless to use them without clarification of what's
meant in a particular case.

Vladimir Nesov

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