> From: Mike Tintner [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> You are - if I've understood you - talking about the machinery and
> programming that produce and help to process the movie of
> consciousness.
> I'm not in any way denying all that or its complexity. But the first
> thing
> is to define and model consciousness, before you work out that machinery
> etc.
> It may sound simple to you, because you're naturally enamoured of the
> programming/machinery part, and trying to work out sophisticated
> programming
> etc may sound much smarter and more exciting.
> But actually starting with that "simple" model is much more important.
> If
> you don't know, or only half know, or are radically confused about, what
> you're trying to explain, all the technical ideas you may come up with
> will
> be worthless.

I understand what you are saying. But for me, I just need to get a mental
visual on it. Like, say that you are an automotive engine designer or a
class "A" engine mechanic. You have that engine running inside you head in
that mental CAD system. You can change parameters like octane and you know
the effects on running temperature. You can tweak the thing in your head,
increase piston diameter size, you know what's going to happen. For
consciousness I need to get a visual of the model and lock onto it then I
can get the math and the code. Easy for an insecticidal level consciousness
but when adding stuff I can't fit the whole model in my head so then it gets
difficult to change variables and test.

Kinda like, "I'm trying ta think but nothin' happens!!"



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