-----Original Message-----
From: John G. Rose [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, June 04, 2008 4:51 PM
To: agi@v2.listbox.com

> JOHN ROSE  ============>>
The activation dynamics that occur in this graph, have you thought out the
equations that describe them? This is where efficiency could be applied.
This is where a simulation of the simulation could be used to try to zero in
on optimal flow network efficiencies and capabilities. Unless you define
precisely what the graph is made of and get some exact metrics on the
processing granularity you don't know too much as to what will really happen
in the sparsely connected denseness to fully understand the resultant
behavior and discover further requirements. It's difficult with rich
connectionism because a mathematical model has the similar unanswered
ED PORTER ============>>
Goertzel et al.'s Novamente is very similar to the type of architecture that
I normally think of, although it could be modified in multiple ways to make
it more brain like.  See discussions of it, such as with regard to OpenCog,
for answers to questions like the ones you are asking her.

> > ED PORTER ============>>
> Don't you sense that at some moments your consciousness feels richer
> than at
> other moments.  Many people who have had sudden close brushes with death
> have reported feeling as if suddenly much of their life were passing
> before
> their eyes.  This results from extreme emotional arousal that causes the
> brain operate at many times what it could on any sustainable basis.

> ED PORTER ============>> I think consciousness is highly applicable to
> AGI's, if we want them to think like humans --- because I think
> consciousness plays a key role in human thought.  It is the amphitheater
> in which our thoughts are spoken and listened to.

> JOHN ROSE  ============>>
It is highly applicable but I still don't know if required for general
intelligence. Consciousness brings so much baggage, but it seems that
consciousness can amplify intelligence in some ways. Perhaps there are
aspects of consciousness that improve intelligence but don't have the
ED PORTER ============>>
I am not saying consciousness is needed for general intelligence.  Instead I
am saying I think it is very possible that consciousness plays a key part in
the way human intelligence works, and that any AGI that worked in
substantially the same way may need to be conscious.

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