On Jun 22, 2008, at 1:37 PM, Steve Richfield wrote:
At the heart of the most troubled projects. I typically find either a born-again Christian or a PhD Chemist. These people make the same bad decisions from faith. The Christian's faith is that God wouldn't lead them SO astray, so abandoning the project would in effect be abandoning their faith in God - which of course leads straight to Hell. The Chemist has heard all of the stories of perseverance leading to breakthrough discoveries, and if you KNOW that the solution is there just waiting to be found, then just keep on plugging away. These both lead to projects that stumble on and on long after any sane person would have found another better way. Christians tend to make good programmers, but really awful project managers.

Somewhere in the world, there is a PhD chemist and a born-again Christian on another mailing list "...the project had hit a serious snag, and so the investors brought in a consultant that would explain why the project was broken by defectively reasoning about dubious generalizations he pulled out of his ass..."

J. Andrew Rogers

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