Where is the hard dividing line between designed cognition and designed
simulation (where intelligent behavior is intended to be emergent in both
cases)? Even if an approach is taken where everything possible is done allow
a 'natural' type evolution of behavior, the simulation design and parameters
will still influence the outcome, sometimes in unknown and unknowable ways.
Any amount of guidance in such a simulation (e.g. to help avoid so many of
the useless eddies in a fully open-ended simulation) amounts to designed

That being said, I'm particularly interested in the OCF being used as a
platform for 'pure simulation' (Alife and more sophisticated game
theoretical simulations), and finding ways to work the resulting experience
and methods into the OCP design, which is itself a hybrid approach (designed
cognition + designed simulation) intended to take advantage of the benefits
of both.


On 8/26/08, Mike Tintner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Terren:As may be obvious by now, I'm not that interested in designing
> cognition. I'm interested in designing simulations in which intelligent
> behavior emerges.But the way you're using the word 'adapt', in a cognitive
> sense of playing with goals, is different from the way I was using
> 'adaptation', which is the result of an evolutionary process.
> Two questions: 1)  how do you propose that your simulations will avoid the
> kind of criticisms you've been making of other systems of being too guided
> by programmers' intentions? How can you set up a simulation without making
> massive, possibly false assumptions about the nature of evolution?
> 2) Have you thought about the evolution of play in animals?
> (We "play" BTW with just about every dimension of activities - goals,
> rules, tools, actions, movements.." ).
> -------------------------------------------
> agi
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