> Also, relatedly and just as critically, the set of perceptions regarding
> the body and its interactions with the environment, are well-structured to
> give the mind a sense of its own self.  This primitive infantile sense of
> body-self gives rise to the more sophisticated phenomenal self of the child
> and adult mind, which gives rise to reflective consciousness, the feeling of
> will, and other characteristic structures of humanlike general
> intelligence.  A stream of words doesn't seem to give an AI the same kind of
> opportunity for self-development....

To put it perhaps more clearly: I think that a standard laptop is too
lacking in

-- proprioceptive perception

-- perception of its own relationship to other entities in the world around

to form a physical self-image based on its perceptions ... hence a standard
laptop will not likely be driven by its experience to develop a phenomenal
self ... hence, I suspect, no generally intelligent mind...

-- Ben G

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