On Mon, Sep 22, 2008 at 1:34 AM, Ben Goertzel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On the other hand, if intelligence is in large part a systems phenomenon,
> that has to do with the interconnection of reasonably-intelligent components
> in a reasonably-intelligent way (as I have argued in many prior
> publications), then testing the intelligence of individual system components
> is largely beside the point: it may be better to have moderately-intelligent
> components hooked together in an AGI-appropriate way, than
> extremely-intelligent components that are not able to cooperate with other
> components sufficiently usefully.

I agree with this as far as it goes; certainly, progress in
integrating separately optimized AI components that has hitherto been
somewhere between minimal and nonexistent. And one solution is to
develop a set of components as part of a system.

Another solution, which I'm currently looking at, is to develop a way
to turn code into procedural knowledge, so that separately optimized
components can be used in new contexts their programmers did not

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