> Here's my simple proof: algebra, or any other formal language for that
> matter, is expressible in natural language, if inefficiently.
> Words like quantity, sum, multiple, equals, and so on, are capable of
> conveying the same meaning that the sentence "x*3 = y" conveys. The rules
> for manipulating equations are likewise expressible in natural language.
> Thus it is possible in principle to do algebra without learning the
> mathematical symbols. Much more difficult for human minds perhaps, but
> possible in principle. Thus, learning mathematical formalism via translation
> from natural language concepts is possible (which is how we do it, after
> all). Therefore, an intelligence that can learn natural language can learn
> to do math.

OK, but I didn't think we were talking about what is "possible in principle"
but may be unrealizable in practice...

It's possible in principle to create a supercomputer via training pigeons to
peck in appropriate patterns, in response to the patterns that they notice
other pigeons peck.  My friends in Perth and I designed such a machine once
and called it the PC or Pigeon Computer.  I wish I'd retained the drawings
and schematics!  We considered launching a company to sell them, IBM or
International Bird Machines ... but failed to convince any VC's (even in the
Internet bubble!!) and gave up...

ben g

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