The limitations of Godelian completeness/incompleteness are a subset of the much stronger limitations of finite automata.

Can we get a listing of what you believe these limitations are and whether or not you believe that they apply to humans?

I believe that humans are constrained by *all* the limits of finite automata yet are general intelligences so I'm not sure of your point.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Dr. Matthias Heger" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, October 24, 2008 4:09 AM
Subject: AW: [agi] constructivist issues

The limitations of Godelian completeness/incompleteness are a subset of the
much stronger limitations of finite automata.

If you want to build a spaceship to go to mars it is of no practical
relevance to think whether it is theoretically possible to move through
wormholes in the universe.

I think, this comparison is adequate to evaluate the role of Gödel's theorem
for AGI.

- Matthias

Abram Demski [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote

I agree with your point in this context, but I think you also mean to
imply that Godel's incompleteness theorem isn't of any importance for
artificial intelligence, which (probably pretty obviously) I wouldn't
agree with. Godel's incompleteness theorem tells us important
limitations of the logical approach to AI (and, indeed, any approach
that can be implemented on normal computers). It *has* however been
overused and abused throughout the years... which is one reason I
jumped on Mark...


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