Matt Mahoney wrote:
--- On Sun, 10/26/08, Mike Tintner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
So what's the connection according to you between viruses and illness/disease, heating water and boiling,
force applied to object and acceleration of object?

Observing illness causes me to believe a virus might be present. Observing 
boiling water causes me to believe it was heated. f = ma says nothing about 
cause and effect.

We say "X causes Y" if X and Y are correlated, and we can control X but not Y. 
This implies X precedes Y in time, because if Y happens first then controlling X would 
make them uncorrelated.

If the mind is computable, then control is just a belief. Therefore, cause and 
effect would also be just a belief. Physics is computable and does not require 
cause and effect to model it.

-- Matt Mahoney, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Even that's overstating the case. If a spigot is open at the bottom of a coffee urn, and there is liquid in it, and there is no lid on it, and the sun is shining, then liquid is observed to flow. If there's no light then liquid is not observed to flow. Did the light cause the flow? No, but it permitted the observation.

And even that is overstating the case. If the bottom part of the liquid were frozen, then liquid wouldn't flow, so my prior statement was incorrect. And I can keep adding exceptional conditions that will prevent the flow of liquid, or will alter things so that the prevention is overcome.

Science is the abstraction away of exceptional conditions, and examining the relation between the remaining conditions. It only works because (if?) we can presume that the relations between the normal conditions continue to persist with only a few alterations caused by the exceptional conditions, which enables us to determine THEIR effects.

In essence Science is model building...and testing the models for correspondence with observable externality. And the very process of building those models rests on beliefs such as object permanence. (Which is what made radio-activity/alchemy so appalling/appealing.)

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