I wrote down my thoughts on this in a little more detail here (with some
pastings from these emails plus some new info):


On Sat, Dec 27, 2008 at 12:23 AM, Ben Goertzel <b...@goertzel.org> wrote:

>> Suppose I take the universal prior and condition it on some real-world
>> training data.  For example, if you're interested in real-world
>> vision, take 1000 frames of real video, and then the proposed
>> probability distribution is the portion of the universal prior that
>> explains the real video.  (I can mathematically define this if there
>> is interest, but I'm guessing the other people here can too, so maybe
>> we can skip that.  Speak up if I'm being too unclear.)
>> Do you think the result is different in an important way from the
>> real-world probability distribution you're looking for?
>> --
>> Tim Freeman               http://www.fungible.com
>> t...@fungible.com
> No, I think that in principle that's the right approach ... but that
> simple, artificial exercises like conditioning data on photos don't come
> close to capturing the richness of statistical structure in the physical
> universe ... or in the subsets of the physical universe that humans
> typically deal with...
> ben

Ben Goertzel, PhD
CEO, Novamente LLC and Biomind LLC
Director of Research, SIAI

"I intend to live forever, or die trying."
-- Groucho Marx

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