--- On Wed, 1/14/09, Christopher Carr <cac...@pdx.edu> wrote:

> Problems with IQ notwithstanding, I'm confident that, were my silly IQ
of 145 merely doubled, I could convince Dr. Goertzel to give me the
majority of his assets, including control of his businesses. And if he
were to really meet someone that bright, he would be a fool or
super-human not to do so, which he isn't (a fool, that is).

First, if you knew what you would do if you were twice as smart, you would 
already be that smart. Therefore you don't know.

Second, you have never even met anyone with an IQ of 290. How do you know what 
they would do?

How do you measure an IQ of 100n?

- Ability to remember n times as much?
- Ability to learn n times faster?
- Ability to solve problems n times faster?
- Ability to do the work of n people?
- Ability to make n times as much money?
- Ability to communicate with n people at once?

Please give me an IQ test that measures something that can't be done by n log n 
people (allowing for some organizational overhead).

-- Matt Mahoney, matmaho...@yahoo.com

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