> From: Matt Mahoney [mailto:matmaho...@yahoo.com]
> --- On Wed, 1/14/09, Christopher Carr <cac...@pdx.edu> wrote:
> > Problems with IQ notwithstanding, I'm confident that, were my silly IQ
> of 145 merely doubled, I could convince Dr. Goertzel to give me the
> majority of his assets, including control of his businesses. And if he
> were to really meet someone that bright, he would be a fool or
> super-human not to do so, which he isn't (a fool, that is).
> First, if you knew what you would do if you were twice as smart, you
> would already be that smart. Therefore you don't know.
> Second, you have never even met anyone with an IQ of 290. How do you
> know what they would do?
> How do you measure an IQ of 100n?
> - Ability to remember n times as much?
> - Ability to learn n times faster?
> - Ability to solve problems n times faster?
> - Ability to do the work of n people?
> - Ability to make n times as much money?
> - Ability to communicate with n people at once?
> Please give me an IQ test that measures something that can't be done by
> n log n people (allowing for some organizational overhead).

How do you measure the collective IQ of humanity? Individual IQ's are just a


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