On Mon, Jun 28, 2010 at 4:54 PM, David Jones <davidher...@gmail.com> wrote:
> But, that's why it is important to force oneself to solve them in such a way 
> that it IS applicable to AGI. It doesn't mean that you have to choose a 
> problem that is so hard you can't cheat. It's unnecessary to do that unless 
> you can't control your desire to cheat. I can.

That would be relevant if it was entirely a problem of willpower and
self-discipline, but it isn't. It's also a problem of guidance. A real
problem gives you feedback at every step of the way, it keeps blowing
your ideas out of the water until you come up with one that will
actually work, that you would never have thought of in a vacuum. A toy
problem leaves you guessing, and most of your guesses will be wrong in
ways you won't know about until you come to try a real problem and
realize you have to throw all your work away.

Conversely, a toy problem doesn't make your initial job that much
easier. It means you have to write less code, sure, but what of it?
That was only ever the lesser difficulty. The main reason toy problems
are easier is that you can use lower grade methods that could never
scale up to real problems -- in other words, precisely that you can
'cheat'. But if you aren't going to cheat, you're sacrificing most of
the ease of a toy problem, while also sacrificing the priceless
feedback from a real problem -- the worst of both worlds.

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