> I'd argue that mathematical operations are unnecesary,
>  we don't even have integer support inbuilt.
I'd disagree. ">" is a mathematical operation, and in combination can
become an enormous number of concepts.

Sure, I think the brain is more sensibly understood in a
"programattical" sense than mathematical.

I say programattical because it probably has 100 billion or so
conditional statements, a difficult thing to represent mathematically.
Even so, each conditional is going to have maths constructs in it.

>   The number meme is a bit of a hack on top of language that has been
> modified throughout the years.
>   We have a peripheral that allows us decent support for the numbers
> 1-10, but beyond that numbers are basically words to which several
> different finicky grammars can be applied as far as our brains are
> concerned.

True, but numbers awesomeness lies it there power to represent relative
differences between any concepts. With this power, numbers are a
universal language, a language that can represent any other language,
and hence, the ideal language and probably only real choice for an AGI. 

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