Michael :The brains "slow and unreliable" methods I think are the price paid for
generality and innately unreliable hardware

Yes to one - nice to see an AGI-er finally starting to join up the dots, instead of simply dismissing the brain's massive difficulties in maintaining a train of thought.

No to two - innately unreliable hardware is the price of innately *adaptable* hardware - that can radically grow and rewire (wh. is the other advantage the brain has over computers). Any thoughts about that and what in more detail are the advantages of an organic computer?

In addition, the unreliable hardware is also a price of "global" ardware - that has the basic capacity to connect more or less any bit of information in any part of the brain with any bit of information in any other part of the brain - as distinct from the "local" hardware of computers wh. have "to go through limited local channels to limited local stores of information to make v. limited local kinds of connections." Well, that's my tech-ignorant take on it - but perhaps you can expand on the idea. I would imagine v. broadly the brain is "globally connected" vs the computer wh. is "locally connected."

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