On Wed, Jul 14, 2010 at 10:35 PM, Michael Swan <ms...@voyagergaming.com>wrote:

> >
> >
> > I'd argue that mathematical operations are unnecesary,
> >  we don't even have integer support inbuilt.
> I'd disagree. ">" is a mathematical operation, and in combination can
> become an enormous number of concepts.
> Sure, I think the brain is more sensibly understood in a
> "programattical" sense than mathematical.
> I say programattical because it probably has 100 billion or so
> conditional statements, a difficult thing to represent mathematically.
> Even so, each conditional is going to have maths constructs in it.
Sorry, I meant unnecessary to demonstrate that particular point.  There's no
need to say you have no innate ability to know what 3456/6 is when you are
unlikely to have an innate concept of the number 3456 or any other arbitrary
number greater than a few hundred to begin with, you can get by with a few
lookup tables upon which you get a vague idea what 3456 of something would
be, but if I were to show you a sheet of paper with 3000-4000 dots on it,
you would be unlikely to be able to tell me whether it was greater or less
than 3456.

I don't see any way an evaluator of some sort wouldn't be completely
necessary for an AGI, sorry for the confusion.  Though, you do bring to mind
the point that while > can be an extremely useful tool for composing other
concepts, our internal comparisons do seem to tend more towards the analog
than towards the binary, and while you can compose those analog outputs with
> and - easily enough, you probably want concepts supported as close to
natively as is possible.  Remember, there are turing-complete
one-dimensional systems of cellular automata, but that doesn't make it
feasible to port the Linux kernel to them.

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