Infants *start* with general learning skills - they have to extensively 
discover for themselves how to do most things - control head, reach out, turn 
over, sit up, crawl, walk - and also have to work out perceptually what the 
objects they see are, and what they do... and what sounds are, and how they 
form words, and how those words relate to objects - and how language works

it is this capacity to keep discovering ways of doing things, that is a major 
motivation in their continually learning new activities - continually seeking 
novelty, and getting bored with too repetitive activities

obviously an AGI needs some help.. but at the mo. all projects get *full* help/ 
*complete* instructions - IOW are merely dressed up versions of narrow AI

no one AFAIK is dealing with the issue of how do you produce a true 
"goalseeking" agent who *can* discover things for itself?  - an agent, that 
like humans and animals, can *find* its way to its goals generally, as well as 
to learning new activities, on its own initiative  - rather than by following 
instructions.  (The full instruction method only works in artificial, 
controlled environments and can't possibly work in the real, uncontrollable 
world - where future conditions are highly unpredictable, even by the sagest 
instructor). [Ben BTW strikes me as merely gesturing at all this].

There really can't be any serious argument about this - humans and animals 
clearly learn all their activities with v. limited and largely general rather 
than step-by-step instructions.

You may want to argue there is an underlying general program that effectively 
specifies every step they must take (good luck) - but with respect to all their 
specialist.particular activities, - think having a conversation, sex, writing a 
post, an essay, fantasying, shopping, browsing the net, reading a newspaper - 
etc etc. - you got and get v. little step-by-step instruction about these and 
all your other activities

So AGI's require a fundamentally and massively different paradigm of 
instruction to the program, comprehensive, step-by-step paradigm of narrow AI.

[The rock wall/toybox tests BTW are AGI activities, where it is *impossible* to 
give full instructions, or produce a formula, whatever you may want to do].

From: rob levy 
Sent: Wednesday, July 21, 2010 3:56 PM
To: agi 
Subject: Re: [agi] Of definitions and tests of AGI

A "child" AGI should be expected to need help learning how to solve many 
problems, and even be told what the steps are.  But at some point it needs to 
have developed general problem-solving skills.  But I feel like this is all 
stating the obvious.

On Tue, Jul 20, 2010 at 11:32 PM, Matt Mahoney <> wrote:

  Mike, I think we all agree that we should not have to tell an AGI the steps 
to solving problems. It should learn and figure it out, like the way that 
people figure it out.

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