> -----Original Message-----
> You have all missed one vital point. Music is repeating and it has a
> In dancing (song and dance) moves are repeated in a symmetrical pattern.
> Question why are we programmed to find symmetry? This question may be
> more core to AGI than appears at first sight. Chearly an AGI system will
> to look for symmetry and do what Hardy described as "beautiful" maths.

Symmetry is at the heart of everything; without symmetry the universe
collapses. Intelligence operates over symmetric verses non-symmetric IMO.
But everything is ultimately grounded in symmetry. 

BTW kind of related, was just watching this neat video - the soundtrack
needs to be redone though :)


Why does the brain have bi-lateral symmetry I wonder and why is the heart
not symmetric? Some researchers say consciousness is both heart and brain.


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