As it happens, I have just enough cards left to deal with both this and Alexis’ 
finger before I run out for the week, and now that the proposal fixing the “or” 
in Vigilante Justice has been assessed, finger-pointing actually somewhat works 
again. Hooray!

On Sep 26, 2017, at 5:02 PM, Kerim Aydin <> wrote:

> This is absurd.  Was going to let it pass, but I point the Finger at Nichdel
> for late Assessment of Decision to Adopt proposal 7876.
> I note, for the purposes of determining carding, that this lateness had a
> direct and material impact on my own earnings as well as others.

And on mine, which causes a minor conflict of interest. However, no rule allows 
me to recuse myself, and this is not a finger-pointing related the official 
duties or powers of the Referee, so the Arbitor cannot take over. I’ll have to 
do my best.

Proposal 7876 was distributed on Mon, 11 Sep 2017 01:19:41 UTC. As voting was 
not extended, voting ended at Mon, 18 Sep 2017 01:19:41 UTC, exactly 7d after 
distribution (rule 107, “Initiating Agoran Decisions").

nichdel assessed it at Tue, 26 Sep 2017 19:49:53 UTC. 8d, 18h 30m 12s elapsed 
from the close of voting to the proposal's assessment. Rule 208 (“Resolving 
Agoran Decisions”) states:

> The vote collector for an unresolved Agoran decision CAN resolve it by 
> announcement, indicating the outcome. If it was required to be initiated, 
> then e SHALL resolve it in a timely fashion after the end of the voting 
> period.

nichdel, as Assessor, was the vote collector for the Agoran Decision to adopt 
proposal 7876. As more than seven days had elapsed (rule 1023, “Common 
Definitions”), e did not do so in a timely fashion, and has violated the above 
clause of rule 208.

G.’s allegation that the late assessment has a direct and material impact on 
gameplay is compelling. Furthermore, beyond the effects G. identifies, 
Assessment directly affects the adoption of rule changes, which are fundamental 
to Agora. However, I believe a Yellow Card would be inappropriate, and unduly 
punitive. Instead, I note that nichdel delayed assessment for reasons e spelled 
out in a message to agora-discussion:

On Sep 20, 2017, at 4:07 PM, Nic Evans <> wrote:

> Due to a stressful trip coming up this weekend and the size of the
> current batch of proposals, I'm unlikely to be able to assess until mid
> next week. If there's interest, I could create an agency that allows
> someone else to assess.

nichdel clearly delayed assessment for eir own gain, vis., to gain additional 
time and attention to dedicate to a personal trip. As such, e has abused the 
office of Assessor, and I hereby issue em a Pink Slip by summary judgement.

On Sep 26, 2017, at 5:02 PM, Kerim Aydin <> wrote:

> I note to the Referee, so e can feel informed and NOT believe that there are
> no rules violations this week, that Nichdel was similarly late on proposals
> 7877-7898.

So noted.


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