I CFJ the following: “D. Margaux’s attempt on 11 November 2018 to delete 
language from the Living Zombie contract was EFFECTIVE.”

This is CFJ 3689. I’ll assign it in a few days, to give players a chance to 
favour it if they wish.

Caller’s Arguments:

I just noticed that the contract doesn’t say I can delete text “by 
announcement” or by any other particular method. I *think* my attempt was 
EFFECTIVE, however, because (1) Rule 1742 says “A contract may be modified, 
including by changing the set of parties, by agreement between all existing 
parties” and (2) all existing parties “agree[d]” to allow me to amend the 
contract by deleting text enclosed in brackets.

Unlike when I tried to throw everyone’s coins in the Fountain, I think Rule 
2125 doesn’t pose an obstacle to this amendment.  Rule 2125 says in relevant 
part:  “A Regulated Action CAN only be performed as described by the Rules, and 
only using the methods explicitly specified in the Rules for performing the 
given action.”  I think the amendment I made was performed as described by the 
Rules—the Rules say that contracts can be amended by agreement, and the 
parties’ agreement says I can amend it by deleting text. So, the parties have 
agreed to this, and so the Rule authorizing contract amendments is satisfied. 

> On Nov 11, 2018, at 3:13 PM, D. Margaux <dmargaux...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I amend the Living Zombie contract by deleting this text in quote marks: “Any 
> party to this contract CAN act on behalf of D. Margaux to withdraw support 
> for or objection to a dependent action,”
> As a result, the contract now reads:
> //////
> The title of this contract is "Living Zombie."
> This contract is EFFECTIVE only if D. Margaux and at least one other
> player gave consent to it on 31 October 2018; otherwise it is
> Any party to this contract CAN use this contract to perform one or
> more of the actions enclosed in brackets below:
> {
> Any party to this contract CAN act on behalf of D. Margaux to take any
> action on behalf of eir zombie permitted by the Rules,
> Any party to this contract CAN act on behalf of D. Margaux to support
> or object to a dependent action,
> Any party to this contract CAN act on behalf of D. Margaux to withdraw
> or change or cast a vote on an Agoran decision, which D. Margaux SHALL
> NOT change.
> }
> Any party to this contract who attempts to publish a message that
> exercises any power granted under this contract SHALL include in the
> subject line of the message the word "SPOOKY," or else the attempt is
> On or after 7 November 2018, D. Margaux CAN terminate this contract by
> announcement and CAN amend it by deleting any text enclosed within
> brackets above, but not by the addition, substitution, or movement of
> any text.
> Any player CAN become a party to this contract by announcement.
> //////

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