I modify the contract formed on Monday to which G. and I are parties by 
changing its text to read as follows:

This is a contract. Any person can become a party to this contract. twg and G. 
CAN, by announcement, cease to be parties to this contract; other parties 
CANNOT cease to be parties.

twg CAN modify this contract by announcement, with the exception that twg 
CANNOT (and SHALL NOT attempt to) modify this contract such that it imposes any 
obligation on G. or otherwise significantly harms eir standing in the game, or 
such that this paragraph is removed, altered or otherwise rendered ineffective.

Herrings are a currency defined by this contract. Ownership of herrings is 
restricted to any entity. twg CAN, by announcement, create a herring in the 
possession of any entity.

Each herring has a colour, which is red. The colour of a herring is set when it 
is created and cannot thereafter be changed. An attempt to create a herring is 
INEFFECTIVE if the colour of the herring is not specified.

twg is allowed to act on behalf of any other party to this contract, except G.

I then, as permitted by Rule 1742/20, modify the contract by changing the set 
of parties to it to the set of all players.

If I were malevolently inclined, I would now submit the following proposal, 
make Aris distribute it, initiate a Rank 8 Festival with support from Aris, D. 
Margaux, Murphy and nichdel, get each of their ballots cast FOR it, and then 
make them deregister (preventing them from withdrawing their ballots).

Title: Seems Derivative
Adoption index: 3.0
Author: twg

Re-enact Rule 2469, "Dictatorship", with Power 3.0 and the following

  A Decree is a document clearly labeled as such. The Dictator CAN,
  With Notice, proclaim a Decree. When a Decree is proclaimed, then:
    1) its power is set to 3,
    2) it takes effect by applying, to the greatest extent permitted
       by the rules, the changes specified in its text to the game
       state, and then,
    3) its power is set to 0.

Re-enact Rule 2470, "The Dictator", with Power 3.0 and the following

  twg is the Dictator.


(For clarity, the above proposal is published only for illustration; I DO NOT 
submit it at this time.)

There are probably other ways to get the proposal passed given the ability to 
act on anyone's behalf, but this was the least destructive foolproof way that I 
could think of. (I considered a Ratification Without Objection, but (a) it's 
possible there is some blanket effect somewhere that prevents rules being 
modified by ratification - I wouldn't have wanted to risk it, and (b) G. would 
still have been able to object to it.)


I act on behalf of Telnaior to retract eir objection to my intent to Declare 

and I Declare Apathy, specifying the following set of players: {twg}.

I publish the following thesis:


--- end of thesis ---

I act on behalf of Telnaior to retract eir objection to my intent to award 
myself the degree Associate of Nomic.

I act on behalf of ATMunn to support my intent to award myself the degree 
Associate of Nomic;
I act on behalf of Aris to support my intent to award myself the degree 
Associate of Nomic;
I act on behalf of Baron Von Vaderham to support my intent to award myself the 
degree Associate of Nomic;
I act on behalf of CuddleBeam to support my intent to award myself the degree 
Associate of Nomic;
I act on behalf of D. Margaux to support my intent to award myself the degree 
Associate of Nomic;
I act on behalf of Gaelan to support my intent to award myself the degree 
Associate of Nomic;
I act on behalf of Jacob Arduino to support my intent to award myself the 
degree Associate of Nomic;
I act on behalf of Murphy to support my intent to award myself the degree 
Associate of Nomic;
I act on behalf of omd to support my intent to award myself the degree 
Associate of Nomic;
I act on behalf of Telnaior to support my intent to award myself the degree 
Associate of Nomic;
I act on behalf of Trigon to support my intent to award myself the degree 
Associate of Nomic;
I act on behalf of V.J. Rada to support my intent to award myself the degree 
Associate of Nomic;
I act on behalf of Corona to support my intent to award myself the degree 
Associate of Nomic;
I act on behalf of Hālian to support my intent to award myself the degree 
Associate of Nomic;
I act on behalf of L. to support my intent to award myself the degree Associate 
of Nomic;
I act on behalf of nichdel to support my intent to award myself the degree 
Associate of Nomic;
I act on behalf of Publius Scribonius Scholasticus to support my intent to 
award myself the degree Associate of Nomic;
I act on behalf of Tarhalindur to support my intent to award myself the degree 
Associate of Nomic, and do so.

Thank you, everybody, for your unanimous approval of my thesis. I couldn't have 
done it without you. I shall repay you by not stealing all your money.

I submit the following proposal.

Title: Holey Loops, Batman!
Adoption index: 3.0
Author: twg

Amend Rule 1742, "Contracts", by inserting, between the fifth and
sixth sentences of the first paragraph, the sentence "It is IMPOSSIBLE
for a person to become a party to a contract without eir agreement."

Amend Rule 2124, "Agoran Satisfaction", by changing each occurrence of
"eligible entity" to "eligible entity, acting as emself,".

Amend Rule 869, "How to Join and Leave Agora", by changing "A player
CAN deregister" to "A player, acting as emself, CAN deregister".

Amend Rule 2480, "Festivals", by changing the second paragraph to:

  If Agora's Festivity has had the same nonzero value for 14 days or
  more, or if it has a nonzero value and fewer than 5 players are
  Festive, then any player CAN flip it to 0 by announcement.

Amend Rule 683, "Voting on Agoran Decisions", by changing "a player
CAN by announcement withdraw (syn. retract) a ballot that e submitted"
to "an entity CAN by announcement withdraw (syn. retract) a ballot
that e submitted".


I award myself an Indigo Ribbon.
I CFJ: "I own an Indigo Ribbon."

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