Taral wrote:

> On Thu, Feb 26, 2009 at 1:15 PM, Ed Murphy <emurph...@socal.rr.com> wrote:
>> I agree that Sgeo did not meet any of the conditions, but the rules
>> don't clearly define failure to meet any of the conditions as being a
>> violation.
> I noticed this too:
>       6. MUST, SHALL, REQUIRED, MANDATORY:  Failing to perform the
>          described action violates the rule in question.
>       7. SHOULD, ENCOURAGED, RECOMMENDED:  Before failing to perform
>          the described action, the full implications of failing to
>          perform it should be understood and carefully weighed.
> #6 explicitly says "violates the rule", and #7 makes no mention of
> violating the rule. However, I interpreted this as a simple omission
> -- a literal reading here results in a paragraph with no effect other
> than on a meta-game level.

Which, as noted, is exactly how I intended #7 to operate.  (We have
other rules with even less significant effect.)  If the courts decide
otherwise, then so be it, but until then I'm not conceding the issue.

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