2009/4/17 comex <com...@gmail.com>:
> On Fri, Apr 17, 2009 at 8:39 AM, Jonatan Kilhamn
> <jonatan.kilh...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> If you have been the contestmaster for at least 16 days, you MAY once,
>> otherwise you MAY not, so all the statements are illegal. I'm not
>> really sure about what the rest of 2234 does to this, if the
>> statements are illegal but still counts as "such a statement" and thus
>> awards you points, but at least you have broken a power=3 rule as
>> well.
> Ah, I forgot about that rule.  That would definitely make repeated
> such announcements by the contestmaster illegal, but I believe 'the
> contestmaster MAY announce so-and-so' is the action and 'ASAP after
> the end of the month, once' is the condition.  I contest the NoV as I
> did not perform that action.
I don't know about the terms here, maybe some are defined, but if the
contestmaster can perform an action, I'd say being the contestmaster
is a condition that has to be met in order to perform the action. And
if it's a part of the action, then you couldn't make "such an
announcement" because it would be "an announcement made by the
contestmaster that one has completed duties", so it seems it fails
either way. Or am I missing something?


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