2009/5/26 Aaron Goldfein <aarongoldf...@gmail.com>:
> I CFJ on the following sentence. The IADoP's report includes the date eir
> previous report was submitted, not the date eir current report is being
> submitted.
> Evidence: Rule 2138
>       The IADoP's report includes the following:
>       d) The date when that office's reports were last published.
> Arguments:
> This essentially boils down to the timing of events. If the IADoP's report
> is considered to have been submitted prior to the data contained within,
> then the judgment should be FALSE. If the IADoP's report is considered to
> have been submitted after the data contained within, then the judgment
> should be TRUE. If they are considered to be submitted simultaenously, then
> the judgment should be UNDECIDABLE.
One way of writing it that I recall has been used is "Last submitted:
<as of this message>".


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