On 03/08/2013 8:32 PM, Sean Hunt wrote:
Indeed, there is a proposal now to fix that issue (and, for some
reason, despite having first proposed fixing ratification, you've yet
to distribute the proposal).

Duuuhh okay 8*b

Translation for others:

a) It's a trap [1].
b) I'm pretty sure Sean knows it [2] and he's playing dumb.
c) Sean, omd, et al. should've known that I'd know it. Come on guys, you can do better than that! :)

Still, it's fair to ask for me to make my own change to this end. However, I think I should get extra time to do it, since you guys are collaborating and are more experienced, but there's one of me, and I'm a newbie... ;)


[1] I see two ways it's a trap. You may enjoy finding them yourself.
[2] That is, at least I'm sure he knows one of the ways I know. I'm not so sure he knows both.

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