On Sun, Aug 4, 2013 at 10:25 PM, Fool <fool1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Okay, that's a bit more plausible. But then it means Sean's messages trying
> to get me to pass it was still an intentional trap, unless he wasn't in on
> this discussion. I think he's on IRC a fair bit though.
> (Just because I'm paranoid...)
> Not that I'm saying you shouldn't be setting traps for me.

(Professor Quirrell had remarked over their lunch that Harry really
needed to conceal his state of mind better than putting on a blank
face when someone discussed a dangerous topic, and had explained about
one-level deceptions, two-level deceptions, and so on. So either
Severus was in fact modeling Harry as a one-level player, which made
Severus himself two-level, and Harry's three-level move had been
successful; or Severus was a four-level player and wanted Harry to
think the deception had been successful. Harry, smiling, had asked
Professor Quirrell what level he played at, and Professor Quirrell,
also smiling, had responded, One level higher than you.)

-- /Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality/

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