On Fri, 2 Dec 2016, Alexis Hunt wrote:
> On Fri, Dec 2, 2016 at 12:32 PM Kerim Aydin <ke...@u.washington.edu> wrote:
>       Honestly, though, a constrained Dictator *could* also become part of 
> the system
>       successfully. For example, if the Dictator decided all appeals (though 
> for
>       protection, e couldn't *raise* appeals without 3 supporters), it might 
> be
>       interesting and work somewhat.  At one point, the Appeals Panel was 
> fixed as
>       *always* being the Speaker, the Arbitor), and a random third.  It 
> actually did
>       function as an interesting kind of supreme court - if you knew the 
> Speaker and
>       Arbitor has a position or philosophy, this influenced whether you would 
> appeal.
>       -G.
> Interesting. Would be people be interested in going this direction? I think I 
> will 
> still repeal Dictator and allow any dynastic aspects to vest in the 
> Speakership, but 
> it's good food for thought.

I've always been in favor of hierarchical power structures in this game (even 
unbalanced ones) if there's a relatively untouchable and gameplay interesting 
ways to topple them on ~frequency of game wins.

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