On 10/7/2018 9:16 PM, D. Margaux wrote:
One random added idea—what if there was a temporal component to the space
travel, so that you wouldn’t move from place to place instantaneously but
instead might take a few days to traverse the galaxy or whatever?
That could be interesting. I think the travel times would need to be relatively short so it doesn't get too annoying, though.

And what
if some Agoran actions could only be taken while you are in certain places?
For example (maybe) would need to be on the forum planet to cast a vote on
a proposal or call for judgement or pend a proposal, for example? Or
perhaps a player would be moved temporarily to a prison planet if e accrued
enough blots? Basically tying some game actions to location on the map, and
making it harder to move around instantaneously so that there’s some more
strategy and cost/benefit to where you are moving.
This was definitely something I thought about. I didn't write it in the idea list because I thought it could be too annoying; and the idea that if you can't make it there in time then you just can't do a thing, especially voting and other time-sensitive things, could be problematic.

And perhaps if a player couldn’t get to the proper place to take an action,
e could authorize a person who is there to act on eir behalf. Could create
some team-like play or interesting contractual arrangements.

Definitely. Maybe if players have fleets of spaceships, they could use them to go places to take actions instead of their "main" ship that they are actually on?

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