On Tue, 19 Feb 2019, Cuddle Beam wrote:

Going to use Gluttony instead of Cincinnatus because it's just easier to
remember and type off the top of my head and it's more on the theme of
cardinal sins and having amassed all that power feels obese. There's also
the issue that once you have that kind of omnipotence, if Relics even
"matter" anymore. You could just self-assign to yourself all of the Relics
you want anyways. Or wins, for that matter. It's weird. But so are scams!
So I'll add it anyways for the Fun of it, what is Agora without Fun anyways.

The Cincinnatus suggestion was because he was famous not just for getting absolute dictator power (several republican Romans did that, as it was an emergency war custom), but for _giving it up early_ the moment the war was won. I see your current proto does not really mention that aspect, so perhaps Gluttony is a better name for it.


- Wrath Relic: When a person performs a regulated action upon another
person without their Consent, while they are able to perform a different
regulated action that requires that person's Consent to perform the same
effect, you earn a Wrath Relic.
- Pride: I don't know how Instruments work lmao, I should read it up in
order to write this (yes I know Read the Ruleset Week was a while ago, I
didn't read the whole ruleset...)
- Gluttony: When a single person, without aid of the action of other
persons, can change the content of a Power-3 rule, they earn a Gluttony

Also, ty G. for the alternative rulemasonry for the first parts of this.
I'll go with that. I'll call them Ribbons (not "Ordinary", just plain
Ribbons) and Relics and both are Decorations.

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