On 9/9/19 6:10 AM, Reuben Staley wrote:

Create a new rule with title "Interest Groups", power 1, and text:
      An interest group is an entity defined as such by this rule. Each
      interest group has a goal. The following are the interest groups
      of Agora and their goals:

      A. Justice: interested in seeing justice served
      B. Efficiency: interested in seeing official duties performed
      C. Legislation: interested in seeing proposals passed
      D. Participation: interested in seeing votes cast

      Value is a natural interest group switch with a maximum value of
      10 and a default value of 5.

A few more thoughts on this (sorry, thought of these after first message):

Explicitly limiting the definitions to a single rule increases coupling and decreases modularity. Would something break if other rules could define interest groups?

Also, you need to state who tracks Value - under R2139, this proto would force the Registrar to track it.

Jason Cobb

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