On Thu, Jun 4, 2020 at 2:01 AM Aris Merchant via agora-business
<agora-busin...@agoranomic.org> wrote:
> On Wed, Jun 3, 2020 at 9:19 PM Aris Merchant
> <thoughtsoflifeandligh...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Title: Properly Prioritized Popular Proposal Proposer Privilege
> > Title: Referenda
> I retract these proposals.
> I submit the following proposals.
> -Aris
> ---
> Title: Properly Prioritized Popular Proposal Proposer Privilege
> Adoption index: 1.0
> Author: Aris
> Co-authors: G.
> [I've gone with making this an "honest" popularity system, not affected
> by manipulatable mechanics such as proposal strength.]
> Amend the rule entitled "Popular Proposal Proposer Privilege"
> by changing it to read in full:
>   For an Agoran decision on whether to adopt a proposal, let F be the total
>   number of valid ballots resolving to FOR, A be the same for AGAINST,
>   and T be the total number of valid ballots. The decision's popularity
>   is equal to (F - A)/T. The Assessor SHOULD publish the popularity of each
>   decision when resolving it.

I think this might be better if T=F+A because otherwise PRESENT votes
will become more strategic. In general, I think that new mechanics
that engage with the core mechanics are good, but I worry about how
they would potentially interfere with them.

>   The player who proposed the adopted proposal such that the decision on 
> whether
>   to adopt it had the greatest popularity, among all such decisions assessed 
> in
>   the last 7 days CAN once earn one Legislative Card by announcement, provided
>   that no decision on whether to adopt any proposal distributed in the same
>   message remains unresolved. If there is a tie, all authors of the tied
>   proposals can do so once each.
> ---
> Title: Referenda
> Adoption index: 3.0
> Author: Aris
> Co-authors:
> Amend Rule 1607, "Distribution", by replacing:
>   Determining whether to adopt a proposal is an Agoran decision. For
>   this decision, the vote collector is the Assessor, the adoption
>   index is initially the adoption index of the proposal, or 1.0 if
>   the proposal does not have one, and the text, author, coauthors,
>   class and (if applicable) chamber of the proposal are essential
>   parameters. Initiating such a decision is known as distribution,
>   and removes the proposal from the Proposal Pool.
> with:
>   A referendum is the Agoran decision to determine whether to adopt a 
> proposal.
>   For this decision, the vote collector is the Assessor, the adoption index is
>   initially the adoption index of the proposal, or 1.0 if the proposal does 
> not
>   have one, and the text, author, coauthors, class and (if applicable) chamber
>   of the proposal are essential parameters. Initiating a referendum is known
>   as distribution, and removes the proposal from the Proposal Pool.
> Amend Rule 2606, "Proposal Classes", by changing the text "Agoran decision on
> its adoption" to read "referendum on it".
> Amend Rule 2607, "Proposal Chambers", by changing the text "Agoran decision on
> its adoption" to read "referendum on it".
> Amend Rule 106, "Adopting Proposals", by changing the text "a decision about
> whether to adopt a proposal" to read "a referendum on a proposal".
> Amend Rule 879, "Quorum", by changing the text "the Agoran decision on whether
> to adopt a proposal" to read "the referendum".
> Amend Rule 2168, "Extending the voting period", by changing the text
> "whether to adopt a proposal" to read "a referendum on a proposal".
> Amend Rule 2496, Rewards, by changing the text "FOR the decision" to read
> "FOR the referendum" and replacing:
>   Resolving an Agoran Decision on whether to adopt a proposal,
>   provided that no other Agoran Decision on whether to adopt that
>   or any other proposal had been resolved earlier in that Agoran
>   week: 5 coins (ADoP).
> with:
>   Resolving a referendum, provided that no other referendum had been resolved
>   earlier in that Agoran week: 5 coins (ADoP).
> Amend Rule 2438, "Ribbons", by changing the text "an Agoran Decision" to
> read "a referendum".
> If the proposal entitled "Properly Prioritized Popular Proposal Proposer
> Privilege" has passed:
>   Amend the Rule entitled "Popular Proposal Proposer Privilege" by changing it
>   to read in full:
>     For a referendum, let F be the total number of valid ballots resolving to
>     FOR, A be the same for AGAINST, and T be the total number of valid 
> ballots.
>     The referendum's popularity is equal to (F - A)/T. The Assessor SHOULD
>     publish the popularity of each referendum when resolving it.
>     The player who proposed the adopted proposal whose referendum had
> the greatest
>     popularity among all referenda assessed in the last 7 days CAN once earn
>     one Legislative Card by announcement, provided that no referendum
>     initiated in the same message as it remains unresolved. If there is a tie,
>     all authors of the tied proposals can do so once each.
> Otherwise:
>   Amend the rule entitled "Popular Proposal Proposer Privilege" by
>   changing the text "provided that no decision on whether to adopt any 
> proposal
>   distributed in the same message remains open." to read "provided that
>   no referendum initiated in the same message remains open."
> [Note: One of these will fail.]
> Amend Rule 2350, "Proposals", by changing the text "If a decision of whether 
> to
> adopt a proposal was resolved as FAILED QUORUM in the last seven days"
> to read "If a referendum on a proposal was resolved as FAILED QUORUM in the
> last seven days".
> Amend the rule entitled "Proposal Recycling" by changing "If a
> decision of whether
> to adopt a proposal was resolved as FAILED QUORUM in the last seven days"
> to read "If a referendum on a proposal was resolved as FAILED QUORUM in the
> last seven days".
> ---
> Title: Vote Manipulation
> Adoption index: 1.0
> Author: Aris
> Co-author(s):
> [Gaming popularity isn't fun or interesting. This way, people at least have to
> go to the effort of hiding what they're doing.]
> If the proposal "Properly Prioritized Popular Proposal Proposer Privilege"
> has passed, amend the rule entitled "Popular Proposal Proposer Privilege"
> by appending at the end of the first paragraph:
>   A player SHALL NOT cast a ballot or induce another person to do so in a
>   way primarily intended to affect popularity. Doing so is the Class-2
>   Crime of Vote Manipulation.

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