Ok I think these are the newest and current versions of these proposals in the 
pool, minus Vote Manipulation. Apologies if I make comments that are redundant 
with discussion, the comments on these have gotten a bit sprawling.

On Thursday, June 4, 2020 1:00:56 AM CDT Aris Merchant via agora-business 
> On Wed, Jun 3, 2020 at 9:19 PM Aris Merchant
> ---
> Title: Properly Prioritized Popular Proposal Proposer Privilege
> Adoption index: 1.0
> Author: Aris
> Co-authors: G.
> [I've gone with making this an "honest" popularity system, not affected
> by manipulatable mechanics such as proposal strength.]
> Amend the rule entitled "Popular Proposal Proposer Privilege"
> by changing it to read in full:
>   For an Agoran decision on whether to adopt a proposal, let F be the total
>   number of valid ballots resolving to FOR, A be the same for AGAINST,
>   and T be the total number of valid ballots. The decision's popularity
>   is equal to (F - A)/T. The Assessor SHOULD publish the popularity of each
>   decision when resolving it.

Minor nitpick: I'd rather the variables were named differently, to clearly 
distinguish them from the variables in 955.

>   The player who proposed the adopted proposal such that the decision on
> whether to adopt it had the greatest popularity, among all such decisions
> assessed in the last 7 days CAN once earn one Legislative Card by
> announcement, provided that no decision on whether to adopt any proposal
> distributed in the same message remains unresolved. If there is a tie, all
> authors of the tied proposals can do so once each.

Overall I like this fix. One weird consequence: There will be a smaller and 
delayed window to claim the card in certain circumstances. If the last two 
assessments were less than 7 days apart, and the second most recent had a 
proposal more popular than the most recent, then the proposer of the most 
popular in the most recent will have to wait until it's been 7 days since the 
first assessment. I don't know if there's a clean way to fix this edge case, so 
we should just be aware of it.

Assessment is hard to write good rules about.

> ---
> Title: Referenda
> Adoption index: 3.0
> Author: Aris
> Co-authors:

I didn't spot any issues with this one. Always a fan of shortening language, 
and referendum is a reasonably intuitive term of art.


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