On 6/20/20 4:10 PM, Stefan Fjellander via agora-discussion wrote:
> (I rejoined discussions)
>> Sorry to see you going, but always happy to have you back if you choose.
>> Can I ask what you found most difficult/frustrating?
>> Difficult
> I must admit I don't really know how to vote, nor how CFJs work, and the
> discussion in general was over my head 90% of the time. I could probably
> have caught up in a few months? But that leads to my next point:
>> Frustrating
> So Many Emails So Little Time So Little Knowledge. Getting 20 to 50 emails
> overnight, of which I understood very few, is a hassle to read, so I got in
> the habit of just instantly deleting them without reading, which doesn't
> help me learn more nor makes me interact. (Email lists in general aren't
> really a thing I do well? I might have survived longer on say a Discord
> group or something, where there's lower barriers to asking stupider
> questions, but that has other downsides, and is just me having my personal
> issues.)

Speaking of which, I've been thinking of suggesting a Discord. I know 
the downside to chat systems is that things aren't recorded in a way 
that can be referenced long term, but it would certainly help people 
overcome barriers like this one and in general ask quick clarifying 

> Thus, I was in the position of "I get 20-50 emails overnight, of which I
> instantly delete 99%, from a community which I almost never interact with
> and which I don't even understand the basics of", and it's unfair both to
> my time and to y'all who are legit invested in this to keep on doing that.
> --
> Bögtil

As G. mentioned, there's a good portion of emails I don't read. I read 
everything in a-o and a-b, but when it comes to a-d I often skim once 
I've gotten the gist of the conversation. If it is important it'll pop 
up in a-b and I'll go back and read the thread. Of course, skimming is 
easier with more experience so I don't know how helpful this really is 
as starter advice.

Prime Minister, Webmastor, NAX Exchange Manager

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