On 6/20/2020 2:42 PM, Stefan Fjellander via agora-discussion wrote:
>>   I know the downside to chat systems is that things aren't recorded in a
> way
> that can be referenced long term,
> I happen to run an somewhat nomiclike conlang discord server, where we have
> a few channels corresponding to agora discussion, which are just as any
> else, and then in the channels corresponding to agora business you have to
> format messages a certain way and then, once the bill [we're not dealing
> with non-bill things] passes or fails it is automatically archived in a
> "showcase" channel. (Things corresponding to agora official just go in a
> channel where only our equivalent of office holders can send messages, but
> where all can read.)
> I know changing fora can be hard (see  https://xkcd.com/1782/), and that
> discord is a specific company as opposed to the email concept which is (if
> i'm not too wrong) very openaccess, which both are downsides tho, so i
> think a thing of this calibre should be carefully discussed and thought
> through by all active members.

lol on the xkcd, considering we still have an (almost entirely dead) IRC
channel.  But when it was most active (~10 years ago?) it did keep some of
the discussion volume more manageable, there was more "this conversation
is just two of us hashing out wording let's take it to IRC".

I think our main hesitation at auto-service is that this is a very
"linguistic" game and we tend to like (perhaps too much as Aris recently
pointed out) seeing how we can twist natural language around to use

But I think 90% could be exported to something more automatic (perhaps a
type of forum that's strictly limited, so you can do basic stuff in a set
format, be we don't have to constantly monitor it for Apathy intents or


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