Okay, I'm tired, and this is the best I can think of right now. This
would allow exiled players to be repeatedly exiled until they get down
to 9 blots, but give them welcome packages back afterward. Why 9? A
player with fewer than 9 blots has sufferage, and with the Blot-B-Gone
from the Justice Card in eir welcome package, a player who has 9 blots
can get down to 8 and be able to vote. This seems like as good a
solution as any to me. LMK what you all think.

Title: Welcoming Back Outlaws
Adoption index: 3.0
Author: Aris

Amend Rule 2556, "Penalties", by changing its final paragraph to read in full:

  Outlawed is a secured negative boolean switch, belonging to persons and
  tracked by the Referee. A player CAN, with 7 days notice, deregister (exile)
  a specified player (the outlaw) who has more than 40 blots or is outlawed.
  A person who has been exiled becomes outlawed if e is not already. Any
  person CAN cause any outlawed person with 9 or fewer blots to cease being
  outlawed by announcement.

If the proposal "Welcome Package Patch" passed, amend Rule 2499,
"Welcome Packages", by changing the last sentence of the first paragraph
to have the text labeled "FIXED TEXT" below. Otherwise, amend Rule 2499,
"Welcome Packages", by appending the text labeled "FIXED TEXT" below to the
first paragraph.

  An outlawed player CANNOT receive a Welcome Package via this method.
  • DIS: [Proto] Welcomin... Aris Merchant via agora-discussion
    • Re: DIS: [Proto]... nch via agora-discussion
      • Re: DIS: [Pr... Ed Strange via agora-discussion
        • Re: DIS:... Kerim Aydin via agora-discussion
          • Re: ... Ed Strange via agora-discussion
            • ... Kerim Aydin via agora-discussion
              • ... Publius Scribonius Scholasticus via agora-discussion
              • ... Ed Strange via agora-discussion

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