On Sun, Jun 27, 2021 at 10:58 AM nix via agora-official
<agora-offic...@agoranomic.org> wrote:
> As Herald I intend, without 3 objections, to initiate the following
> tournament:
> {
> #0 Participation
> The Host is the Herald. Any other player of Agora CAN become a
> Contestant by announcement any time before the game starts. If the Host
> is a Contestant, Player, and/or Ghost, e ceases to be.
> The Host CAN start the game by announcement. At the time of the
> announcement, all Contestants become Survivors.
> Any Contestant may quit by announcement, and cease being a Contestant,
> Survivor, and/or Ghost. The Host CAN, by announcement, cause a specified
> Contestant who has not posted a public message in 7 days to cease to be
> a Survivor and become a Ghost.
> #1 Winning
> The winner is the Contestant who Outlasts all other Contestants. A
> Contestant outlasts all other Contestants if e is the only Survivor.
> #2 Teams
> When the game starts, the host SHALL announce the teams. E may choose
> teams however e wants, as long as they are even in number of contestants
> (plus or minus 1).
> #3 Rounds
> A Round is 7 days from a Monday through a Sunday. Monday through Friday
> are the default Competition Period for a Round while Saturday through
> Sunday are the default Voting Period for a Round. The Host CAN, by
> announcement, end a Competition Period and start a Voting period early.
> E SHOULD only do so when the Competition Period's events have clearly
> ended.
> The first round begins the next Monday after the game starts. Until the
> Pre-Finale, a new round starts every Monday.
> #3.1 Competitions
> Each round contains a Competition defined by a Sealed Letter that the
> Host CAN and SHALL issue, by announcement, on or before the Monday of
> the round. The Competition begins either at the beginning of Monday or
> when the Sealed Letter is issued, whichever is later.
> A Sealed Letter specifies a Competition's rules and Immunity Condition.
> The Immunity Condition of a Sealed Letter:
> * SHOULD NOT encourage players to break the rules of Agora or commit an
>    Agoran Crime,
> * SHOULD NOT require undo effort on the part of any one individual, and
> * SHOULD NOT intentionally favor one person or team.
> The Host CAN, by announcement, and SHALL grant immunity to all teams and
> all Contestant that meet the Immunity Condition.
> The Host CAN issue a Clarifying Letter by announcement. Clarifying
> Letters are binding interpretations of their corresponding Sealed
> Letters. The Host SHOULD issue a Clarifying Letter whenever e believes
> players/teams are confused, frustrated, or on the wrong track.
> #3.2 Voting
> During a Voting Period, each Contestant whose team is not immune CAN,
> by sending a message to the Host, Vote to Expel any non-immune member
> of eir team.
> The Host CAN, by announcement, and SHALL, by the end of the following
> Monday, Expel all non-immune Contestants who were specified the most by
> eir team. When a Contestant is Expelled, e ceases to be a Survivor and
> becomes a Ghost. E is no longer part of eir team.
> #Plot Holes
> The Host CAN, with Agoran Consent, amend these rules as specified. E
> SHOULD only attempt to do so to fix unintended behavior or bugs.

Does this work?

Rule 2495, "The Birthday Tournament", says:

"After adequate time for discussion of the Birthday Tournament's
regulations, the Herald (or delegate) CAN initiate a sanctioned
tournament, promulgating a specified, finalized set of tournament
regulations, without 3 objections. This title may thereafter be
amended only by the Herald or eir designee Without 3 Objections. The
initiation SHOULD be timed to coincide with Agora's Birthday."

Although "title" is no longer defined, I think it's reasonably clear
from context and its legal definition, so I don't think this works.

The good news is that having an inoperative provision in the
regulations doesn't break them overall, so we can go ahead with
adopting them.


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