Dear list

I would like also to suggest another point: really often there is a relationship between topographic elevation and hydraulic head data values; in this case an external drift approach could be useful.
At 20.16 20/08/2006, Edzer J. Pebesma wrote:
Hi all,

I agree with Mario for the case where data are abundant. For cases where data are more sparse, or for cases where the trend is obvious, strong and important, ignoring the trend is a waste.

A completely different case is that where the trend is not described by coordinate polynomials, but by external variables known for each location, think of the variable altitude for interpolating annual mean temperature in a mountainous area. In this case, ignoring the trend is a waste in general, imo.

Best regards,

Mario Rossi wrote:
you generally do not need to detrend if using ordinary kriging (or other linear weighted average estimator) in the interpolation case, i.e., when the points you're estimating are surrounded by data in (generally) all sides, and particularly in the direction(s) of the trend. Also, a relatively small neighborhood should be used (generally less than the variogram ranges; as opposed to large neighborhoods or on at all). In such case, universal kriging or IRF-k would not give you any additional advantage.

One possibel reference is Journel, A.G., and Rossi, M.E., "When Do We Need A Trend Model?", Journal of Mathematical Geology, Vol. 22, No. 8, 1989. Another could be Rossi, M.E., and Posa, D., "Stationary and Non‑stationary Kriging Applied to Dissolved Oxygen Data", Metron‑International Journal of Statistics, Vol. 47, No 1‑4, 1989, Rome.

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