On Fri, Jan 22, 2016 at 2:00 PM, 何品 <hepin1...@gmail.com> wrote:

>    - *Solution A:* Migrate akka-remote from Netty 3 to 4 and gain 4 times
>    the performance with an effort equivalent to N hours.
>    - //this would not happen, and don't give you 4 times boost
> It won't give a performance boost because the slowness is elsewhere.

>    - *Solution B:* Migrate akka-remote from Netty 3 to akka-streams and
>    gain 5 to 6 times the performance with an effort equivalent to 3 x N hours
>    - //hehe,akka-stream will be slower.
> I am not sure this is true, at least not in this unqualified manner. All
the drawbacks that affect Akka Http vs. Netty Http are basically irrelevant
in the TCP based remoting case. I am pretty sure that we can do something
quite fast based on streams, coming close to what Netty can do, but with
better maintainability than a pure Netty implementation.

I mean, things like parallelizing message serialization can be as compact
as mapAsync(4)(doSerialize).


>    -
>    I think akka remoting will need a rework in fact.
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