W dniu środa, 28 grudnia 2016 13:30:23 UTC+1 użytkownik Evgeny Shepelyuk 
> Hello,
> In Docker Swarm when service is created, it's assigned to Virtual IP. I.e. 
> when I create several instances of *wallet-seed *they will get an single 
> IP (, for example), while each of container will have own IP 
> (,, and so on)
> When *wallet-seed* address is resolved within Swarm cluster - it will 
> initially resolves to service VIP ( and then to the IP of 
> particular container in round robin fashion.
> So if I put *wallet-seed * as a seed node address in my *wallet *service 
> config, then 1st instance could resolve it to, second instance can 
> resolve to etc.
> As far as I understand this will lead to cluster partitioning, right ?

No, I meant something else. First of all, Akka cluster is implemented on 
top of Akka remoting. And for Akka remoting to work, each node needs to 
know it's self address, which is the IP the other nodes will use to connect 
to it. The node address becomes the part of remote ActorRefs. Any incoming 
message that contains different address than the node's self address is 
dropped. This is a good thing, because you could have actors with the same 
local paths on different node clusters and the results of delivering 
message to a wrong instance could potentially be disastrous. Because of 
this, even if you create *wallet-seed* service with virtual IP you 
cannot use this IP as the address of the seed, because the containers 
backing the service will expect to receive messages addressed to, and so on and will discard messages addressed to
You could use docker-swarm service in a different way: to advertise the 
proper IP address of the cluster seed, but you cannot use Akka remoting 
protocol for that, for reason given above. Suppose you implement it the 
following way: define a HTTP endpoint, say at port 5000 that will respond 
to GET /seeds with a text/plain message containing IP address of cluster 
seed. Each node upon startup will do the following:
- attempt a GET wallet-seed:5000/seed 
- if it succeeds, join the cluster at received IP
- if it fails, this node is the first one and it should:
  - bootstrap the cluster by joining itself
  - publish a HTTP service at port 5000 advertising it's own address
The definition of wallet-seed service should include a health check 
condition so that only containers publishing the HTTP at port 5000 would be 
act as it's backend
That would work, but has a glaring problem: there is a race condition 
between the seed nodes. More than one container can "elect itself" as the 
seed. Then the other nodes would access different seeds through 
*wallet-seed* in round-robin fashion and join their respective clusters.
Using a consistent store like consul or etcd provides a solution to the 
race condition but also solves a second problem: it can be used to 
advertise seed address without crafting a custom service.


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