That's so interesting, Jane.  But on reflection I can see  why your climate 
would be more like the English climate than it is here.   For example, I 
never saw pictures of English gardens that didn't feature roses,  delphinium 
and lavender.
I can't grow any of these successfully.  I've failed  with them all.  I 
read somewhere that it's harder to grow roses here  successfully than almost 
anywhere because of the diseases our extreme humidity  encourage.  I do now 
have a few of the Knock-Out roses which are not  as susceptible.  Of course, 
rosarians don't consider them real  roses.  I'm just not willing to spray 
constantly with the stuff you  have to use with the others in spite of their 
great beauty.  My  aforementioned grandmother had a beautiful rose garden.  
She went out  weekly and sprayed every leaf carefully with some kind of awful 
A friend recently sent me a copy of a magazine from the  Netherlands.  (Of 
course I couldn't read the articles, but enjoyed the  pictures.)  I was 
struck by the large number of flowers pictured in  their gardens that 
in the US, many from the West.  
Elin Johnson
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