This may not be of interest to most of Alpine-L as the species depicted at my 
new identification website are growing wild between 9,400 and 10,200 feet in 
Colorado, which is the Upper Montane to Lower Subalpine Zones.  The link is: I named the site "Wildflowers of Peak 
7, Breckenridge, Colorado".  So far, there are 260 species arranged by color 
and (I'm sorry) identified first by common name.  I created the site for the 
locals who are not especially plant savvy but who have a "budding" interest in 
knowing the names and details of the plants they see while walking their dog, 
biking or hiking on neighborhood trails (which are within the wooded White 
River National Forest).  That's why I chose to arrange them by color and use 
the local names. However, within each color album, the plants are arranged 
alphabetically by botanical family and then alphabetically within the 
respective family by genus and then by species.   I'm limited by PictureTrail 
to a certain size image and a certain number of individual photos so I have 
created composite photos of each species showing the important structural 
parts. Many of the short species are in my experimental gardens.  Even though 
they aren't true alpines from above treeline, their small stature and reliable, 
showy blooms work well for me in rocky crevices I have created in my rock 
walls. I hope you will find the site interesting and possibly helpful.  If you 
see any errors, please let me know right away.  If you're interested in growing 
some of the species depicted, please contact me as I collect seeds of many 
species every year and may have some of the species you might be interested in 
growing. Jane HendrixMountain View Experimental GardensPeak 7 Area - 
Breckenridge, Colorado USAElevation: 10,000 feetUSDA Zone: 4Websites:         

---------- Original Message ----------
From: Cohan Fulford <>
To: "Alpine-L, the Electronic Rock Garden Society, postings copyright by 
authors." <>
Subject: Re: [Alpine-l] ?
Date: Fri, 9 Jan 2015 17:01:27 -0700

Nothing happened to Alpine-L as you can see, it is still here if someone posts  
:) -- no one has been posting, that's all! If you want a site to be active, you 
need to originate posts-photos and topics for people to discuss... However, the 
photo posting system is awkward compared to many other venues, so that is 
likely a reason why many people have moved on..Cohan Fulford
On Fri, Jan 9, 2015 at 12:15 PM, Kishori Hutchings <> wrote:
Yes Bob, what did happen??I have visited the newer sites and still would prefer 
Alpine-L.Brian HutchingsSalt Spring Is. BC Canada From: penstemonSent: Tuesday, 
December 23, 2014 8:12 AMTo: Alpine-L, the Electronic Rock Garden 
Society;postings copyright by authors.Subject: Re: [Alpine-l] International 
Rock Gardener e-magazine - issue 60 Featured plants are Saxifraga dinnikii 
forma alba and some quite amazingly large Cyclamen  from Greece.  Excellent, as 
usual.Two (possibly rhetorical) questions.Why is there a city in Germany named 
Wet Cheeks? (Feuchtwangen.)Whatever happened to Alpine-L, anyway?  Bob 
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