please take this with a grain of salt, and my apologies offered if i
come over too strong. i beg you to read on and think twice about it,
i'm trying to help even if i may not find the right words.

personally at this particular point i find the documentation rather
obscures than explains the matter.

read on, please.

i have never done pcm io before, not to speak of mmap'd pcm io. paul's
comment was very helpful to me, if only it was because he did explain
what the parameters of the mmap_commit call are used for. 

[i have more grievances. for example, the mmap_begin documentation says
 about the offset returned:
  * \param offset Returned mmap area offset
 but with not a word is mentioned that the offset value is counting bits
 which may be usual in the pcm world while in overall programming it is

you surely are gifted hackers (the ALSA design proves it i think) - but
you should take into account that somebody who uses your API may not even
know a fraction of what you know about pcm card and driver design, in
fact they may even do this for the first time.

*please* adjust your documentation policy from 'we need mathematical
correctness' to 'we need to help those stupids like tim out there by being
verbose to the extent of repetition, otherwise nobody can use our API 
simply because they do not understand it'. 


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