At Tue, 6 Jan 2004 22:38:28 +0100,
Florian Schmidt wrote:
> On Tue, 6 Jan 2004 11:05:52 -0600 (CST)
> David Lloyd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > This patch works great - I'm now able to use TeamSpeak (which opens 
> > capture and playback through oss) at the same time as xmms.
> > 
> Cool.. this sounds good. Great news! Thanks, Takashi.. Is there a chance
> of this getting into cvs? Is this actually a replacement for the
> pcm.dspX definition? or is it still possible to define it the old way?

as written in my previous mail, it was a quick hack.  and there is a
better approach.

the attached patch will add a new plugin, asym, which defines
different slave pcms for playback and capture streams.
for example,

        pcm.duplex {
                type asym
                playback.pcm "dmix"
                capture.pcm "dsnoop"

then you can use the pcm "duplex" for dmix/dsnoop combination.

        % aplay -D duplex foo.wav
        % arecord -D duplex bar.wav

(in reality, you likely need plug layer in addition to support other
 sample rates, though.)

also, by defining

        pcm.dsp0 "duplex"

you can use it via aoss, too.

i'm not sure whether the name "asym" is the best choice.
if you have better idea, please let me know before committing to cvs.


Attachment: pcm-asym.dif
Description: Binary data

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