
I'm testing a usb to midi adapter with my Toshiba laptop. I have alsa
rc3, a yamaha ymf754, sound card and redhat 7.3 on 2.4.18-5 kernel.

I'd already failed to get the fm port to work but I'm trying to find out
if this usb connector works. I've read the usb-documentation, got the
tiny usb-midi driver, and appropriate modules.
I don't have any parameters to snd-usb-midi, and usb-midi doesn't seem
to accept any.

Usbview reports this device but I don't know if I'm missing something.
Do I have to symlink /dev files to be able to play midi files?
I've used the command:
        playmidi -D /dev/midiXX myfile.mid

Nothing is heard. In windows this device works correctly.
Any suggestions or pointers to as yet unread how-to's or documentation?
Much of the documentation I've found out so far is in japanese.

The device is not listed in the linux-usb supported devices...

Daniel Tonda Castillo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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