the point is that the master playback switch does not appear in the mixer
nor is it the mute activated by a keyboard mute. when muted with keyboard
it can be unmuted with mixer. when muted with remote it can not be unmuted
with mixer.

On Tue, Jul 30, 2013 at 2:52 AM, Clemens Ladisch <>wrote:

> Mark DM wrote:
> > what I can toggle with amixer and hardware mute on audigy or remote,
> > is not available in any mixer control!
> That "Master Playback Switch" thingy _is_ a mixer control.
> It should be visible in alsamixer (and other mixers) as "Master".
> Is it?
> > I know the xbmc does a different mute because I programmed the xbmc
> > mute on the remote .
> I don't know about XBMC; does it allow any other action than switching
> its internal mute state?  Shouldn't you rather configure this in LIRC?
> Regards,
> Clemens
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